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Yankee Gathering 2024 – Register Now!

Registration Closes on Friday, November 1st

Register Now to Avoid Disappointment

The Program Schedule of Events is Now Available

Featuring 2024 Guest of Honor Robert Olson

Robert A. Olson has quietly been contributing to magic history through his efforts as a performer, creator, and collector, but perhaps his most significant contribution is as “keeper of the flame” for the first American-born professional magician of note Richard Potter. Through his efforts portraying Richard Potter (among other historic characters), Robert has introduced Potter and historic conjuring to thousands and thousands of magicians and lay people alike for well over fifty years. He is a one-of-a-kind performer balancing humor and respect that continues to elevate the art and scholarship of magic.

This November, the New England Magic Collectors Association is paying tribute to his life-long list of achievements.  Please join us in honoring this unique individual by attending the Yankee Gathering 2024 with Robert Olson as our Guest of Honor.

Conjuring the Spirit World: Art, Magic, and Mediums

The human desire to connect with the departed has given rise to a fascination with the supernatural and the magical.

Explore the essential role art and objects played for mediums and magicians “communicating” with the dead during the 19th- and 20th-century Spiritualism movement in the U.S. and Europe — a time when people actively debated and wondered, “can spirits return?”

See paintings, posters, photographs, stage apparatuses, costumes, film, publications and other objects that will transport visitors to the age of Harry Houdini, Margery the Medium, Howard Thurston, and the Fox Sisters, among others. Whether you’re a believer, skeptic or somewhere in between, gain a new perspective on the timeless draw of mediums and magicians, séances and magic shows.

Two special events are planned on the intersection of magic and spiritualism. First, is a visit to the Peabody Essex Museum, the organizers of this wonderful exhibit.

Special guest Anna Thurlow, great-granddaughter of Mina “Margery” Crandon, will join us to discuss the Houdini/Margery Seances.

Venue – Sheraton Hotel – Nashua, NH

Nashua is home to over 85,000 residents making it the second largest city in New Hampshire. This vibrant community is situated along the Merrimack and Nashua Rivers and is just 45 minutes away from Boston and 60 minutes from the New Hampshire Seacoast. Whether you’re a local, a new resident or just passing through, Nashua is sure to offer something for everyone to enjoy.

Nashua was the birthplace of Jim Cellini, the former home of Wendel Gibson and former location of three magic shops: Gibson Magic, Don Paul’s Magic Shop, and Absolutely Magic (NH’s last magic shop). It is the current home of Conjuring Arts Research Center. It is just over an hour to Potter Place in Andover, NH – the final resting place of Richard Potter.

Richard Potter – America’s First Black Celebrity

Apart from a handful of exotic – and almost completely unreliable – tales surrounding his life, Richard Potter is almost unknown today. Two hundred years ago, however, he was the most popular entertainer in America – the first showman, in fact, to win truly nationwide fame. Working as a magician and ventriloquist, he personified for an entire generation what a popular performer was and made an invaluable contribution to establishing popular entertainment as a major part of American life. His story is all the more remarkable in that Richard Potter was also a black man.

This was an era when few African Americans became highly successful, much less famous. As the son of a slave, Potter was fortunate to have opportunities at all. At home in Boston, he was widely recognized as black, but elsewhere in America audiences entertained themselves with romantic speculations about his “Hindu” ancestry (a perception encouraged by his act and costumes).

Author John A. Hodgson presents a compelling argument that the first American-born professional magician was much, much more than a simple performer. He will also share updates of new information unearthed since the book was published in 2018.

Gathering Highlights


The Gathering is starting earlier on Thursday this year! Registration will open at 9 AM Thursday, November 7th, and the first event starts at 3 PM. Please plan accordingly.


Retrospective and Q & A with Guest of Honor Robert Olson
Organizing Collections with Mike Caveney, Richard Hughes, & Bruce Averbook


Mike Rose • Dean Carnegie • Judge Brown • George Schwartz • Margaret Steele
William Kalush • Brandon Hodge • Anna Thurlow • Ice McDonald • Rory Rennick
John Hodgson • Dean Arnold • Jonathan Neil Brown • Tom Ewing • Michael Claxton


Matt Roberts (emcee) • Jonathan Neil Brown • Kevin Bethea


Opening Night Wine and Cheese Reception • Saturday Evening Banquet • Book Signing Event
Dealers Room with choice collectibles • A lively Magic Auction
The Yankee Magic Collector Authors Recognition



Yankee Magic Collector No. 21

The Yankee Magic Collector, Issue #21 was published in conjunction with Yankee Gathering 2024. This beautiful issue contains 316 pages, 192+ total images (most in color).

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The Yankee Magic Collector 21 – Request for Submissions

Dear Magic History Experts, Scholars, and Enthusiasts:

As you may be aware, the New England Magic Collectors Association produces a high-quality book-length journal with articles on magic history every even-numbered year—often from the perspective of contemporary curators of magic history: the magic collector.

We have been blessed over the years to feature some of the finest writers in magic presenting original scholarship of interest to all magic historians. We look forward to continuing our relationship with such magical scholars and it is our hope to either welcome you back, or add your name to the list of contributors of The Yankee Magic Collector #21.

If you’ve written (or are considering writing) a biography, bibliography, tribute, review, interview or essay, or other non-fiction material relating to magic history, please consider submitting your work to be published in the November 2024 issue. We hope that you will be interested in sharing your scholarship with our readers. We have already received early submissions from three individuals and we look forward to working with them and you!

Issue #21 will once again see color printing throughout (of submitted color images) and we hope to feature material from lectures presented at previous Yankee Gatherings.

If your work is accepted for publication we will feature your bio on the Contributors page, along with any links or other information you’d like to include. If you have a book or website, we can help you promote it in this way. Authors who attend The Yankee Gathering will be recognized on the opening night and all authors will receive a personalized special edition “Author’s Copy” of The Yankee Magic Collector #21 that features a distinct cover from the standard edition.

Submissions are preferred via our 2024 Google Submission Form (click on text to open). E-mail and mail may be possible, but please contact prior to submission. Here is a link to our submission guidelines and a link to our helpful STYLE GUIDE. Our deadline for submissions is July 1st, 2024 but we welcome submissions at any time.

Finally, we are asking for your help. We are looking to expand the pool of authors, so if you know of up-and-coming individuals who are passionate about magic history and might be ready to take the first steps of sharing their research through print, please invite them to submit.

Thank you for your interest and consideration, we look forward to presenting your work in the next issue of The Yankee Magic Collector.


Andrew Pinard

Magic Collector’s Corner

Discoveries ∙ Vol 2, No 3

Available Now

Book and Collecting Announcements
The Magic Collector’s Corner – Ultimate Episode Guide
Member Spotlight: Andrew Pinard
Quality Magic at the Porcupine: “The Crown Jewels” 
Highs & Lows – Selected Auction Results
Puzzling Props

The latest issue has been emailed to members.  Back issues are available in the Members area.

Sterlini’s Magic Mayhem

Discoveries – Vol. 2, No 2

Check your email! The new edition of Discoveries has been emailed to all current subscribers.

The latest edition features Dan Sclare in the member spotlight, a late-night tour of David Copperfield’s International Museum and Library of the Conjuring Arts, and a visit to Colon to, MI to spend time with Sterlini’s Magic Mayhem.  


Gene Vosh

Discoveries ∙ Vol 2, No 1

Discoveries is the quarterly magazine exclusively for members of the New England Magic Collectors Association.

This issue features a ton of great content, including a special feature on our very own Gene Vosh aka Encyclopedia Gene aka Uncle Gene! Additional content includes a guide to the Albo Classic Magic Series and a great feature on vaudeville performer Nate Leipzig.

Don’t miss it!

Milson-Worth: Quality Magic for the Sophisticated Magician

Discoveries ∙ Vol. 1, No. 4

  • New Arrivals: Ray Ricard’s Guide to the Latest Titles
  • “The Magic Attic” – New Life for Old Apparatus!
  • Milson-Worth: “Quality Magic for the Sophisticated Magician”
  • Remembering Ann Goulet
  • Yankee Gathering 2022 – A Recap
  • Selected Auction Results… and More!
Enjoy News and Stories from the World of Magic History and Collecting

Click here to read this issue

Yankee Magic Collector No. 20

The Yankee Magic Collector, Issue #20 is the companion publication for Yankee Gathering 2022. This beautiful issue contains 16 articles, 292 pages, 162 total images, most in color.  

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Announcement: Discoveries, Vol. 1, No. 3

Enjoy News and Stories from the World of Magic History and Collecting
  • A Visit with Professor Hoffman
  • Member Spotlight
  • New Arrivals: Ray Ricard’s Guide to the Latest Titles
  • Review – Ionia: Magician Princess, Secrets Unlocked
  • Online Resources for Magic Collecting
  • The Latest Yankee Gathering News… and More!

Click here to read this issue